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It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day...And I'm Feeling Good in My Chucks and Pearls. You good though?

Today, the change of power took place in our great country of the United States of America. Listen, our country has been through a LOT over the past year, the past four years and honestly since we decided to declare our independence let alone step foot on this land we now claim as our own. So this post isn't about just the inauguration of Biden and Harris, it's actually about the shock and awe (in non-military terminology), that I have for this country I live in and love.

I've always been proud to be an American and I still am. Does that mean that I'm blind to the atrocities that our forefathers have committed. No. From the pillaging of indigenous people's lands, to slavery, to our history of human and equal rights violations, interment camps for Japanese citizens and now those who crossed our border to the South and that's just a quick smattering of the blights on our conscience. I hold no illusions that we have made many mistakes. We are a country founded by human beings so mistakes large and small are a part of our trajectory, our lot in this life; however the democracy we were built upon allows us to as citizens work towards shifting the balance of power if we feel it's needed every 4 years. 

Heck with senate and congressional elections, even more so. It's that chance to change the course of action that makes us a free nation. Add to that we are so large a nation that to think we won't have so many people want one direction and the same wanting the other direction, it's part of what we created. As a former strictly liberal to now a liberal-centrist and honestly a Democrat who votes with an Independent mind-set (meaning if there was a Republican or Independent I felt strongly enough about I would vote for them); I have had to ride out periods of times praying for our country, hoping that the person who took office would do the right thing for our country and just focus on making decisions that put ethics, humanity and dignity above self-interests or greed or ignorance or intolerance. So I do understand what being on the "losing party" side feels like. It's worrisome. It's anxiety provoking. However, it should not excuse us from trying to believe in the possibility that things will be okay, that the checks and balances will work and that in the end it doesn't excuse us working together for the good of the country.

The United States of America has a Constitution, and the Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. We have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It's a democracy because people govern themselves through representatives that people choose as elected officials by free and secret ballot. We have safeguards in place on various levels. In fact, our Constitution has surprised me on various levels lately because Supreme Court Justices that I was super worried about have actually voted and ruled on cases based on the Constitutionality of the issue at hand. Not all of them passed judgements based their political affiliations or their personal feelings of the issues. They based them on Constitutionality. So things can work out and not everyone put in positions of power are there for "their own interests only."

Regardless...we're onward to a new administration. It will be imperfect, and it will make mistakes, but I'm so excited that the nominations for the cabinet and administration positions have been so diverse! Finally, an administration that is more reflective of the actual population for the United States. We are a nation built around immigrants. None of us other than any political appointed person who is a descendant of an indigenous tribal nation in the United States can claim we were from this country. None of us. Straight facts. Anyone saying they deserve divine right in this country has to remember that we all either descended from an immigrant who came to America or an Indigenous person who's family was one of the tribes present here when the caucasian people showed up. So, seeing a wide variety of people that reflect the "melting pot" that we were once so proud of in America is what we have. A true representation. Not just White, Heterosexual, CIS Males. 

I'm proud to believe in a more liberal side of values because after being in 3 years of graduate school for pastoral counseling I realized that the person I consider my touchstone of "spiritual worship" (aka Jesus); was probably the first liberal who was documented by the 4 reporting gospel writers. So I believe in things like basic HUMAN rights and EQUALITY and really work at following that "love thy neighbor" line. I'm all in on those things. Does that make me a Communist. Nope. Does that make me a socialist? Nope. Does it make me an American? Not those specifically but being born in Pennsylvania and holding citizenship here does. So today, seeing an actual practicing Catholic take oath of office made me pretty darn happy. I would have felt the exact same way if a devout practicing Muslim or otherwise took the oath of office. If you're going to use faith to back your thoughts, practice your faith...don't just use it to give lip service. The amount of people judging others over the course of my life has been pretty impressive and everyone who's decrying that the end of the world is near because one man and one woman are now President and Vice President of our country have lost their sense of reality and it makes me very sad for those who are struggling with their mental health. 

Did you just spit out your drink? 

I said that people who think the end of the world is coming because of an elected official was just sworn into office may need to get therapy. I said it and I meant it. I've had to actually do some therapeutic check ins this year because in between having a father with end-stage Parkinsons, having to deal with the ramifications of a pandemic and being smart about dealing with said pandemic have made my medications for depression and anxiety not as effective as they have been for years. There's only so much stress you can take before you need help. So I'm asking people who think that everything is hopeless may need to check in with their primary care physician and let them know that potential depression/anxiety are causing you to lose track of reality.

Perhaps you've bought into all the conspiracy theories and wildly refuted lies have made you now paranoid to the point that you no longer believe things will be okay. As I posted on Facebook back in December, I watched a comedian I follow go all in on the theory that we are being controlled and living in fear. I don't understand. I don't wear a mask because I am afraid. I wear one because there's a documented illness going around on top of basic things like the flu and otherwise. I would prefer to stay healthy and also prevent others from getting unnecessarily sick as well. I don't find it a control issue. No one is controlling me. I do it because at this time it feels like the right thing to do to help one another.

Conspiracy theories and rhetoric are destroying sensibility...its like half the country lives in a critically thinking reality and the other half lives in some doomsday poorly written espionage thriller that has more plot holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. I'm not stupid I understand that shady shit goes down within power structures but I will say it again, its not at the level these insanity believers are rallying behind. The last few times people went this far down the Conspiracy rabbit hole you had people wearing black track suits and nikes thinking that they were going to catch a ride on a spaceship that was hidden behind a comet. Do people not recognize cult like behaviors? Do people not know how Jonestown becomes a thing? Seriously. I thought we were smarter than this.

Scientists want to prove shit wrong that's how scientific theories are developed. So trust me if they could have proved covid wasn't an issue they would have. Meanwhile the world sits here and wants to freak out because we are asked to keep more vulnerable people safe. Honestly, at this point and I hate to admit this but I'm seriously thinking natural selection is what needs to happen. Unfortunately it will affect other people who tried to do the right thing. But honestly if they want covid so be it. Have fun with that. As someone who's had it and had the lighter side of it it still was horrible and my taste and smell are permanently altered so far. Thats a fact...I hope it returns to normal someday but I have adapted because that's how evolution and natural selection actually works. Adapt or get left behind (at the very least).

I survived Trump. The country survived Trump. It's not a pretty survival but we're still here. You will survive one man and one woman taking the two highest positions in the country. I know because I was just through the stages of grief that you're experiencing now. Don't get me wrong it's hard to see so many people being hateful and sad when women have shattered a glass ceiling today as we swore in the first MADAME VICE PRESIDENT, a dream I hoped I would see in my life time. A smart woman who is adaptable and has admitted when she was wrong, but still holds everyone from the President NOW (as she did during debates); to the outgoing president accountable for their actions. Women have achieved a very important milestone today and no one will be able to rain on my parade. Wanna come at me with all the reasons we should vilify Vice President Harris...don't waste your breath. I'm not perfect, your not perfect. No one is perfect. Neither was the situation that cleared out of the White House this morning. 

People need to understand that certain things though are a bit too far. We just came through a period where a "bit too far" was the daily news. I'm going to choose to stand behind the office of the Presidency regardless if I am all in or not. I've said a few nice things about Trump during his time in office, and yes I have expressed fear in my own four walls and to my friends and family during that time. I have never though publicly said so much of the vitriol that I have seen on social media over the years and it's grown bit by bit. It's that type of vitriol that leads people to insurrection. It's that type of vitriol that leads us to a place that no longer looks like the country I love. If you can't calm your nerves and get through the next four years, please go get help. Therapists are standing by; and even though It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day...And I'm Feeling Good in My Chucks and Pearls; I also get weekly support from a therapist because I have a lot of PTSD to deal with myself. 


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