Before you say anything. I read tarot, but when I want clarity at times I like to go to another reader to get my mind out of the reading/interpreting work and just let it flow through someone who's not me. It's like counselors seeing other's something you SHOULD do.
I have to share that I just had what will be my annual reading/guidance session with Ash Mac and I'm going to be going for my check up in 6 months; and I'm honestly honored to spend this time with her. Last year, she met with me right after my car accident and pretty much laid out the landscape ahead with a lot of clarity and I told her that everything fell into place, not like I expected but it was the right thing and what I needed to have happen.
If you haven't had a reading from Ash, please consider it. Honestly it's like meeting with someone who genuinely wants the best for you but lays down those cards and gives it to you straight. She's a very cued in and atuned spiritual guide. While the reading wasn't so much full of surprises, it was the best thing to hear that the spirits and God and all those forces bigger than I were "signing off" on the time that I'm taking to slow down and do some healing and personal work.
As an Aries, I find that I always push forward. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes to my detriment. I do it because I have a lot of un-healed pain and heartache from my past and losses that I keep slapping a bandaid on just hoping they'll heal. You and I both know for an open wound to heal it has to be carefully cleaned out, checked on, provided with neosporin and other opportunities to heal from the inside out. Ash pretty much was right on track that I'm in a place of healthy work right now. It's not comfortable for me but it's where I need to be.
She didn't know any of this going into the reading, and she only had full knowledge of where we left off a year ago. Sure we've kept in touch over Facebook and I've enjoyed shouting my "attagirls" to her with some of the incredible things she's been doing; but to have some undivided attention to just help you set your sails, plant seeds that can germinate into something you want to manifest or realize it's time to till the soil and rotate the crops can just help you create the plan ahead. It's always a one-day-at-a-time life, but it's nice to check in with someone who can help you read the roadmap.
Thank you Ash Mac for giving me the extra umph I needed to keep traveling the road less traveled.
In ,
, and
- Anna
(Peace, Love and Hope Y'all)
[1] Photography by Mallory Bertrand Photography
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